Baptism is an outward sign of the grace and forgiveness we receive from Jesus Christ. At Carmel, we baptize infants or adults who are seeking to walk their spiritual journey with Jesus Christ, in the community of the church. The sacrament of baptism takes place during a Sunday morning worship service.
Whether or not you are a member of Carmel, we encourage you to speak to one of the pastors if you are considering baptism for yourself or your child. We encourage the baptized to be surrounded by and grow in a community of faith.
Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations welcome all persons who trust in God’s grace in Jesus Christ and desire to become part of the fellowship and ministry of Christ’s Church. Persons may join Carmel Church by public profession of faith after being examined by the Session, by certificate of transfer if currently a member of another Christian church, or by reaffirmation of faith for persons previously baptized and having publicly professed their faith. A Carmel pastor conducts periodic new member classes for those adults interested in joining Carmel Church. Contact a pastor to indicate your interest in learning more about membership.
Youth in 7th grade and up are eligible to participate in a Confirmation Class conducted by the pastors to prepare them to make a decision on becoming church members. A class is usually held every 1-2 years depending on the number of youth interested. The class often includes an opportunity to visit other local worship sites and gain insight into a variety of worship beliefs. Some time is spent outside of class with a mentor of the student’s choosing. Confirmation classes usually begin in the fall and youth are publicly received as members in the Spring on Pentecost Sunday.
We here at Carmel celebrate with you the joy of your upcoming wedding. According to our denomination’s guidelines, marriage is a gift of God which involves a unique commitment between two people to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. Services at Carmel are presided over by one of our pastors, and three premarital counseling sessions are required prior to your wedding date. There is a nominal building use fee for non-members.
In a funeral or memorial service, we affirm with tears and joy the resurrection promise of eternal and abundant life in Christ. The service affirms the life and witness of the one who has died, as well as the comfort of the Holy Spirit for those who mourn. Contact one of the Carmel pastors to schedule and plan a funeral or memorial service for your loved one. The Carmel Memory Garden adjacent to the church is available as a permanent resting place for the cremains of members and former members.