It is in giving that we receive – St. Francis of Assisi


The Board of Deacons is comprised of a diverse group of men and women ordained to directly serve those in need. Our goal is to inform the congregation about ways in which we can be compassionate and provide care for the needy.

Our Christ is Calling Outreach Missions are aimed at accomplishing these goals. We host a food cupboard which is delivered to our local food bank (Interfaith Food Cupboard), as well as our Caring For Friends Cook-in, Hands-on Mission Opportunities, and Special Collections, like the Children’s Christmas Collection, as well as Disaster Relief collections. We also nurture and assist others in their coordination and leading of outreach missions.

We look forward to again providing transportation to church events and to making visits with members of our church who are unable to attend in person. Casework is provided to congregation members when needed via our Helping Hands Program.

We maintain a Prayer Community and keep in touch with members of the congregation through notes and cards, as well as college care packages. We provide hot meals through Meals in a Moment and support local organizations through our Mission interpretation.

Through its Mission Interpretation Committee, the Board of Deacons supports a number of organizations that serve either our local Glenside community or the Greater Philadelphia Region. This outreach is made possible mostly by the generous support of Carmel’s congregation both financially as well as via the donation of goods for specific projects. The Board of Deacons has sustained long-term relationships with several groups but also considers new opportunities as they arise.

Financial disbursements are made throughout the year and items collected are delivered with regularity. Social issues addressed by our mission giving include homelessness, food insecurity, family instability/foster care, and sexual exploitation.”

Is Christ Calling You? Let us help you in coordinating and leading an outreach mission of your own that you feel passionate about.


Being a Shepherd at Carmel is a unique opportunity to meet and connect with members of the congregation whom we might not otherwise encounter in our day-to-day activities as members of the church. Each Shepherd is assigned a district in the church and is asked to reach out to those in the district from time to time to become acquainted and learn of any needs or concerns they might have.

Following worship each Sunday, a Shepherd will deliver the flowers from the worship service to those who are home-bound, recovering from surgery or an illness, mourning the loss of a loved-one or celebrating a wedding or the arrival of a baby. These personal contacts are a great way to strengthen our church community with one-on-one communication through keeping in touch with individuals and at the same time, offering an opportunity to share information about each other.

In addition to outreach, Shepherds are also able to support Sunday worship by preparing the bread and wine/juice for communion on the first Sunday of the month as well as other times when communion is celebrated, and are called on to usher several times during the year.

Being a Shepherd at Carmel answers God’s call in Mark 10:45, “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.”