Children’s Choir: Grades K-2 Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 5:00-5:40PM; Starts September 13. This Choir sings once a month from Oct.- May during the Sunday morning services, and in the Candlelight Carol Service and early Christmas Eve Service.
Junior Choir: Grades 3-8 Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 5:45-6:30PM; Starts September 13. This choir sings once a month from Oct.-May during the Sunday morning services, and at the Candlelight Carol Service and early Christmas Eve service. Also opportunities for a Biblical musical, Choir Festival, and community outreach at a local retirement home.
Youth Choir: Grades 9-12 Rehearsals are on Sundays, 11:15-11:45AM; Starts September 17. Sings the first Sunday of every month from Oct.-May during the morning worship service. This choir also participates at the Candlelight Carol Service, early Christmas Eve service, Holy Week and Easter Service. This is a fun group that loves to sing! We welcome new members anytime.
Sanctuary Choir: Grades 7-Adult Rehearsals are on Thursdays 7:30-9:00PM; Starts September 7. This choir leads music during each 10:00AM Sunday service from Sept. through mid-June. This choir also sings during the Candlelight Carol Service, late Christmas Eve Service, Holy Week and Easter Service.
Handbell Choir: Grades 7-Adult Rehearsals are on Mondays, 7:30-8:30 PM, Starts September 18. Carmel Church owns 5 octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of handchimes. If you have a sense of rhythm, this choir may be for you! This joyful group performs several times during the year. Come and try! Contact Abby Palmisano for more information.
Festival Choir: Rehearsals are on Thursdays (seasonally), 7:30-8:30PM. This choir gathers to sing each year for the Candlelight Carol Service, Christmas Eve Service and the Easter Services. The Festival Choir is made up of youth and adults who love to sing but cannot commit to regular weekly rehearsals. The Festival Choir begins rehearsals 5 week prior to each of the Christmas and Easter Services.
All rehearsals will begin in the Choir Room and finish in the Sanctuary. I can promise that you will receive more than you give, your time will be well-spent and the blessings will be many. The church will also be blessed by this wonderful ministry. We welcome all children and adults. Carmel membership is not required. Please contact Abby Palmisano, Organist and Choir Director, if you have any questions at 215-887-1074, press 3.
To God be the Glory!
Abby Palmisano
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